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HOw Would You Kill Me?

A strange question, the concept born in a conversation with a strange friend staying over combined with dozing off to American Psycho, the trust we put in the vulnerablity of friendship.


Why do we trust a friend's behaviour over a stranger?


the original scenario, you wake up.

I'm in your bed...

That's when you strike.


Completely open for interpretation


would it be literal? would you refuse? would you come as death yourself? would the victim be someone else? or for me, the death of oneself, an ego death.


please explore this zine delving into the creative minds of artists, friends, family, lovers and aquantiances. 


Elisha Fall, Chloe Clarke, Madaline Abrook, Izzy Battley, Talla Malyukova, Samantha Webster, Harri Mosley, Stuart Burch, Zak Davis, Charlotte Keating, Elodie Fall and Max Gowing


if YOU would like to contribute your own work to this zine contact me!

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