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“I’m sick to death of this particular self. I want another.” - Orlando


uses AI to morph through the adventures of Orlando through the portraits embedded within the dear book inventing moments in-between, identities and ideas between chapters.

'As an LGBTQ+ Artist the entanglement between Vita & Virginia has an energy I continue to explore, the book Orlando is a beautiful way to do so, I marginalia the pages asking what Woolf may have been thinking towards vita at the time of each sentence which made me look deeper within the words.'

“The effect of Vita on Virginia is all contained in Orlando, the longest and most charming love letter in literature, in which she explores Vita, weaves her in and out of the centuries, tosses her from one sex to the other, plays with her, dresses her in furs, lace and emeralds, teases her, flirts with her, drops a veil of mist around her” - Nigel Nicolson

“And instantly the usual exciting devices enter my mind: a biography beginning in the year 1500 and continuing to the present day, called Orlando: Vita; only with a change about from one sex to the other” - Woolf 5 October 1927

Featured on Virginia Woolf Society 

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